The Fungus

CRank: 5Score: 4090

I had the same feelings about the headshots. I thought at first it was a 'maybe his head will explode, maybe it wont' kind of thing. Turns out is just an 'it wont' kind of thing. I ended up getting killed by some huge guy cuz I was fooling around and didn't ever bother to restart the demo. The entire experience was shockingly underwhelming, really.

I'm disappointed too, I was really looking forward to this game...

5608d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

IDK wtf you're smoking, but 336 months is 28 years :/

I dont even care about the rest of your post, I just want to know why you chose 336 months lol.

Concerning the article, PirateThom is right. Things change.

5613d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not only that the user doesn't have a hard drive if they get the 'wrong' model, its that developers can't rely on the hdd when making games since its not always there. This lowers the quality of games just a tad in some areas. Choice is great and all, but at what expense?

5628d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let me start by saying I enjoyed F.E.A.R on the pc, but for some reason feel no urge to buy this game. I know it'll be good on both consoles, but there are just too many other games coming out for me to even consider this one due to my low budget.

*off topic* -- to DA_SHREDDER
I haven't logged into this site for a long time, but your comment -made- me. All I need to know is what exactly age has to do with anything? Why would you bring that up? I'm 17 years old, so why don't...

5628d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I believe RememberThe357 made the school remark because 6/10 isn't a C+, not because he thinks a C+ is a failure.

A 6/10 is equivalent to a 60 on a test graded on a scale of 100. If you went to school you would know that a 60 is a D-. C+ is 76-79. That would be a 7.6-7.9/10

On topic, it's really disappointing that this game is getting such mediocre reviews. I thought for sure it would be a 8.5-9.5 from just about everybody. :(

5869d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wholeheartedly agree. ESPECIALLY the part about wanting to blast him in the face with my bony hand.

Maybe he's so d@mn depressed all the time is because he's a pessimist? If you look at a game based in the real world, what do you think it's going to look like? Answer: THE REAL WORLD. Imagine that.

Do you want to save the world with a serious storyline and banjo kazooie graphics? Didn't think so. If you want colorful games, you need to look at a game not based compl...

5873d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is a biased article that shouldn't have been approved. The 350mb limit was news, this is not.

5876d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think I heard him say 'Innuendo Dive' O.o

They have a bit of work to do in the production values area. Even if they do feel the need to have characters yell out everything they do, they shouldn't name the moves things like 'Arching Boots'. After you get the names of the moves fixed, then maybe you can have their mouths actually move somewhat like they should.

Having said that, it looks pretty fun. The storyline seems appropriately epic, and the art style suits it. ...

5876d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did anybody else read Ashelotte wrong?

I read it a$$hole-ette. hehehe.

Besides the awful name(imo), she seems pretty neat. This Soul Calibur is looking to have quite a character selection.

Can't wait!

5876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How exactly does your mind process things, Tokugawa? You continue to bring up shadow flares lack of technical knowledge to try and disprove his arguments, but what sort of degrees do you have? It takes just as much know-how to prove they are the same strength as it does to prove they are different strengths.

On top of that, the ps3 does undeniably have the better looking 1st party games RIGHT NOW. You are saying that the 360 can handle these, just like shadow flare is stating tha...

5888d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment


^Pringles guy

5890d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to pirate all of my pc games, but now I've decided to give up illegal downloading.

Besides the potential of getting caught, I felt bad being a part of the downfall of pc gaming.

5897d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anti virus programs will just be able to purge the memory. It'll be like restarting is now.

5897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All I'm gonna say is look at his collar as it switches between frames.

I'm not going to state my own conclusion, I'll let you draw your own.

5899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd been planning on buying a Wii right when I saw one sitting on a shelf for the last 3 months now. Now that it looks like there are going to be some, I'm out of money :(


5903d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS2 is nice, but the original Playstation is still my favorite redesign. It almost favors the Dreamcast....or does the Dreamcast almost favor it? I don't remember when the thing came out :|

5904d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its an O.K. 'article', but nothing exciting. One could even argue if it's news-worthy(it's not)

Eventually I got scared that this was actually a gameboy evolution article. That thing took up half of the 'article'!

5904d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do know that a 360 degree turn goes ALL the way around, right?

I'm sure you knew that, though :D

5904d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is silly.

Enjoyment is subjective, so this entire discussion is useless.

Are you going to try and convince somebody who likes Pepsi more than Coke that Pepsi actually ISN'T as good? No. You might disagree with them, but they like it for a reason.

5911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When it comes to most things, I think monopolies can be considered bad. Search engines, however, don't bother me. I only use google anyways, and so do many people(or yahoo).

MS is like a spoiled child. "But, but, I want that TOOOOOOO!!!"

It almost seems like their whining.

5918d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment